Perfect Days

Today was a perfect spring day that made me believe in the... blah blah blah, (have you ever heard of Marco Everestti ?) I dunno hey. Suddenly I understood the appeal of Suburbia as I stood on the lawn in the sunshine and celebrated my beautiful daughter's birthday. But a word of advice to the brave - pass the parcel just doesn't work with more than 10 kids :) I feel blessed to be able to enjoy the luxury.
I wish you a golden day.


Barbee' said…
You got it and it is looking good. Go for it!
janice said…
as i left the flat this morning i stood in the soft sun light. . . just stood there my face to the wormth, then i got in my car and drove straight to hell
Zoya said…
You didn't tell me you started a new blog! And I can't believe we missed another birthday :(, I need to get organized and mark them all on a calendar.

Happy belated birthday to the little girl!
clairconnor said…
hey Pen,nice blog,I will be following you,lovely to see you yesterday...